24,700 words
by: PlatinumPoison
(Vampire, Fluff and Humor, Misunderstandings, Established Relationship, University Students, Kissing, Degradation, Spanking but mild and Consensual 🔞)
Such a nice read and heartwarming fic..just what I needed right now..both of them are so oblivious and whipped for each cute!! just because of a fang everything went down the hill hahaha!
"I love you Tae. Even if we don't last in the long run, even if you need a break, even if someday you fall in love with someone else, I'll always love you."
"Immortality just sounds sad and lonely. It would make everything less meaningful, you’d be in a perpetual state of inertia because of the recurring cycle of things. Not being able to grow older or let go, being stuck in an eternal loop, I wouldn’t want that, especially not without you. If I had to live countless lifetimes I would want to live them all with you."

15,519 words
by: mindheist
(Historical Fantasy, Fantasy, Violence, Mild Elements of Fantasy Horror 🔞)
I HAVE NO WORDS...again another masterpiece..i'm in awe with how great the writer can come up with this idea..this is incredibly beautiful and my heart aches for Taekook and how great their love is for each other... I cried a lot and i don't know how to recover from this heartbreak..please do read all the works of this great writer!!
"He loved the Sun more than anything. In ways people like you and I could never fathom."
"No matter what different skies we see, I will always be with you.I love you forever, Moon of my life.”

55,436 words
by: TwentyThreeThirteen
(Fairy Tale Retellings, Fairy Tale Elements, Beauty and the Beast Elements, Hurt/Comfort, Hanahaki Disease, Angst, Music, Blindness, Sexual Harrasment, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Mental Health Issues, Trauma, Minor Character Death, First Time 🔞)
I think this is the second hanahaki disease fic that I've read and wow..combined it with beauty and the beast? Perfect! It's well written, the world building and characterization was on point..and the angst?!? ahhh i cried so much but i love every part of it..
“You have a beautiful soul.I don’t need to see you to know that. Imagine how’s like seeing colors every time you close your eyes, all the time. It becomes monotonous and things that used to be beautiful are no longer impressive after a while but you..your soul glows like the sun. I always know it’s you because I see this vibrant shape coming towards me and it feels warm and bright..and beautiful. You’re beautiful, Taehyung and I’m not talking about your appearance.”

118,092 words
by: shadowsinsounds
(AU- Shapeshifters, A/B/O Dynamics, Non-Traditional A/B/O Dynamics,Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Flashbacks, Angst, Implied/Referenced Sexual Assault, Threats of Violence, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Minor Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending 🔞)
AHHHH...this was so emotions were all over the place..OMG.. i'm already attached to the characters and I never want it to's beautifully written.. the world building and the pacing was so good.. I didn't realize that i'm reading near the end coz of how good it was.. i love how their relationship progressed that lead them to have a family...huhu.. my heart..

75,150 words
by: SinsNChaos
(AU-A/B/O Dynamics, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending 🔞)
I remember I've read this as a thread in Twitter.. Coz that's how I started reading fics.. and its one of the first few fics that I've read.. definitely fell in love with this.. the plot, characterization.. my heart swells with the way Yoongi is so protective when it comes to Tae..
"“I knew everything you have done for me and my son Guk & I’ll be a hypocrite if i tell u now that i dont wish the same thing that I could’ve had four years ago. I’m still scared but I will not do the same mistake I’ve done before. I’m not gonna push u away this time Jungkook.”

49,248 words
by: SinsNChaos
(AU-A/B/O Dynamics, Fluff and Angst, Happy Ending 🔞)
Sequel of Starlight.. my heart is so full after reading this.. they are just so in love with each other.. i'll never forget this story coz it's one of the first few fics i've read...
"Tae, baby I could've prepared a grandiose proposal to u, I could've rented the whole Olympic stadium and filled it with ur favorite roses, I could've ask all the artists in our company to do a flash mob for you, but baby you and our son is more than enough to make this moment perfect."

69,988 words
by: ggukkientete, witchbrew
(Werewolf, Fairy, Fluff, Light Angst, Light Dom/sub, Exhibitionism, Blood and Violence 🔞)
OMG this was so adorable, cute and HOT at the same time.. love the writers wrote it like I'm watching a movie.. easy to read and to imagine every scenes.. and omfg that scene whenever Tae is making his cute little dresses ahhhhh I can see him well concentrated with the way he sew his tiny dresses!!! I love when they always claim each other as their own creature.. huhu! SOOOO CUTE!!!!
"My mate...I'm gonna love you forever."

112,374 words
by: taehansik (orphan_account)
(AU- Reincarnation, Angst with a Happy Ending, Time Loop, Dark Magic, POV Third Person, Eternal love 🔞)
Huhu this was heartbreakingly beautiful..the way I also died too many times with how many times Tae died in this fic..this was so painful yet so beautiful..I feel so sorry for Guk..he chased Tae over lifetimes because he loves him so much til it hurts..I don't know which one is it the times that you actually die or watch your loved one die too many times and the only thing you can do is believe that you'll see each other again in a different AU..
"Every single lifetime I will choose Taehyung. Just as he has chosen me. I'll love him with all my heart, in every life and through every death. I choose Taehyung, because I promised I would never give up on him. I'll follow him forever. I will go where he goes."
"They were born to love each other in a world where it simply wasn't allowed."

92,388 words
by: Ghoulie_cruz
(Fluff and Smut, Psychic Abilities, Panic Attacks, Recreational Drug Use, Supernatural Elements, Humor, Weirdness, Anxiety, Jin’s pink crocs, Brief Violence, Hurt/Comfort 🔞)
I'm utterly blown away by this fic..the plot is so unique and somehow weirdly intriguing?... Guk is definitely whipped!!! Special mention of the Tin foil hat HAHA! Ahhh I loved it so much..their confessions to each other was so sweet and hilarious at the same time!!! so cuuutteee!!!
"I fucking love you! You probably already know that. Maybe you're scared, I don't know? But I'm not! So... so tough shit! You're the basket to my balls!"

by: expplipo
(Developing Relationship, Friends to Lovers, Fluff and Angst, First Meetings, AU - Superheroes/Superpowers, AU - College/University, Angst, Courtship, Angst with a Happy Ending, Romantic Comedy, Mundane superpower, Fluff, First Dates, Anniversary, Diners, Luck AU, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Suicide ideation warning, First Time, Living Together)
I'm speechless with how good this fic was..The first few chapters was so fluffy then boom I didn't expect the 180 degree turn that got me..I cried my eyes out!!! WOW..the plot was unique and the flawless writing skill..Poor Gukkie huhu..but Tae's pet names always got me cackling HAHA..omg..this Taekook here in this AU is unforgettable.. I love them so much..
"I don't want a future that doesn't have you in it. You, Jeon Jeongguk, you could never be bad luck to me. I don’t give a fuck about your damn power, because there’s nothing else in the world that I need more than what we had. There is nothing else in the world like what we had. Please, Jeongguk. Come home.”

21,527 words
by: Kavbj
(AU - College/University, Mermaid au, Smut, Romance, Fluff, Humour 🔞)
I've read a very few Mermaid/Merman AUs...this was so soft, and cute!!!! With the right amount of angst and overflowing fluff haha.. and i love how funny it can get at times.. that mermaid kiss tho haha and mentions of Little Mermaid..i was laughing so much when Tae really said that it's a dumb movie HAHAHA!!
“I swear to fucking God Jeon Jungkook if she’s as fucking dumb as her parents I’ll - “

130,072 words
by: kpopismydrug
(AU - Wings, Mild Language, Fluff, A lot of world building, Magic, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, Slow Build, Reincarnation, Background Relationships, made-up language 🔞)
My mind was simply blown away with how fascinating this world the writer created. I felt like I was inside the fic with the in WOW.. when I started reading it i was completely immersed into it that I didn't noticed that I only read it for a few hours straight..she even created avias' own language!! Like Lupus Tales, this is part of a series. I love this so much!! Definitely a must read!!!
"For you, I'll risk it all, then, now and far into our future."

9,365 words
by: kpopismydrug
(AU - Wings, Mild Language, Fluff, A lot of world building, Magic, Warm and Fuzzy Feelings, made-up language)
This is the sequel of Avia.. Just a glimpse of their lives after the return of the Valkens.. now that their part of the population of Dyeena again after 300 years of slumber.. all I can say was DAMN!! What a cliffhanger HAHA! I'm excited to see what's more to come in this series..

42,790 words
by: TrappingLightningBugs
(Magical Realism, Naiad, AU - Nature Spirits, Accidental arranged marriage, Wet Dream, Siren, Mermaid, Light Angst, Long-Distance Relationship, Fluff and Smut 🔞)
I don't know what to say..i'm speechless with how good this fic was like I was watching a movie while reading this..Taekook were so cute in this universe.. I understood that JK initially felt in denial with his own feelings and his own sexuality what more with the fact that Tae isn't human and lives in the lake who suddenly proposed them getting married haha.. I love how their story progressed and how Tae was so patient with JK.. He even tried to live as human for JK and met his family and friends.. So so sweet!
“Behind this big muscle head was a man I was proud to call my friend. A man I fell in love with effortlessly. A man I wrote letters to at school when my phone was dead, because I couldn’t stand not being able to talk to you.”

Please feel free to contact me if you have any recommendations or questions.

( Made with Carrd )